AMS online shipping website
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AMS online shipping website
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for your shipping needs!
Price and place your AMS
shipping orders online quickly!
Print custom shipping labels with your customers information, PO #, invoice #
Place your order online, and a Professional AMS driver will be dispatched automatically to your location fast and efficiently to pick up your shipments.
Pick up to final delivery
AMS shipment tracking and email confirmation at time of delivery.
Contact AMS Delivery to set up discounted Local same day, and overnight freight rates for quality shipping at the price you need!
Discounted Rates with Quality Delivery!
"Ams Delivery Service web based shipping allows me to place my orders online, print multiple AMS shipping labels, professional drivers are dispatched to my location quickly, and I can track my delivery status, and then receive an email with the delivery time and signature for each AMS delivery"
Greg Johnson 503-515-8997 Kris Tucker 503-882-5747